Environmental and activist movements, organizations, and activists from the region: Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, and Serbia will gather in Sarajevo today, on July 3rd with the message “We will not give them a drop of water”.
A regional alliance called “Let’s Defend the Rivers of the Balkans” announced a large gathering tomorrow, where the cornerstone of a “joint struggle to liberate all the rivers of the Balkans” will be laid.
“Guidelines for joint action by activist movements from across the region in the fight to protect water as the most important common good will be agreed. Representatives of over 20 local initiatives that have been actively fighting for years now for rivers across the Balkans for years are expected to arrive,” they said.
They added that the alliance “Let’s Defend the Rivers of the Balkans” brings together organizations, associations, unions, formal and informal initiatives, and people from BiH, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, and Serbia who have stood out in the fight for a healthy environment, and against crimes against rivers and people.
“There are dozens of victories for small communities across the Balkans, and now we want to channel that energy by working together to achieve lasting changes in regulations and practices to save our rivers for us and generations to come,” they said from this alliance.
According to them, they demand that all works and projects on our rivers be suspended immediately and that laws banning the construction of small hydropower plants be passed in all Balkan countries as a matter of urgency.
“The rivers know no borders and they have connected us. We have gathered to oppose the attacks on our rivers with joint forces and to act in solidarity – the fight is one and it is common,” they emphasized, Klix.ba writes.