On December 9th, 2019, the Hungarian Minister of Defence, Dr. Tibor Benkő, visited Camp Butmir, Sarajevo, accompanied by the Deputy Commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces, Lieutenant General Gábor Böröndi. Commander EUFOR, Major General Reinhard Trischak, his Hungarian Chief of Staff, Brigadier General László Szabó, and other members of the Hungarian contingent welcomed them to the camp.
Minister Benkő took the salute from the Honour Guard before meeting with Major General Trischak. During the office call they discussed EUFOR’s on-going activities and the security situation within BiH; Major General Trischak thanked Minister Benkő for Hungary’s continued support to EUFOR.
In the afternoon, Minister Benkő took the opportunity to spend time with the soldiers of the Hungarian contingent. He addressed the troops before handing out Christmas gifts and engaging in conversation.
Hungary plays an important role in EUFOR, not only contributing troops in support of the EUFOR HQ, but also providing a company of soldiers as part of the Multinational Battalion, which plays a key role in the combined training exercises run with our partners in the AFBiH, alongside other duties. Hungary is one of 20 nations in the EUFOR mission contributing troops to Operation EUFOR Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina.