Last year, the poultry sector if BiH achieved exports in the amount of 53 million BAM in the period from January 1 to November 30, which is the same amount as in the same period in 2016, while import was decreased by three million BAM and it amounted to a total of 30 million BAM.
Out of total export in the poultry sector, 73 % refers to processed products, 19 % to poultry meat, 6 % to eggs and 2 % to poultry, according to data from the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH.
When it comes to the import in this sector, 56 % refers to poultry meat, 20 % to processed products, 14 % to poultry and 10 % to eggs.
When looking at the aforementioned data, from the Chamber noted that the structure of exchange was relatively good, because BiH records positive balance for poultry meat products as well as eggs.
For the poultry sector of BiH, the key export markets are Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro, and 98 % of total export was realized on these markets in the first 11 months of last year.
Goods worth 14.86 million BAM were exported to Serbia, around 14 million BAM to Kosovo, 12.82 million BAM to Macedonia and 9.7 million BAM to Montenegro.
Countries from which BiH mostly imports goods, but without significant exports, are Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Slovenia and Poland.