Faruk Tokumbo Shokunbi is the only dark-skinned politician in BiH, and he is a councillor in the Municipal Council of Bihać.
He was born on the 9th January 1987 in Bihać to a Bosniak mother and a Nigerian father. He finished the primary school ”Harmani I’ and Grammar school in Bihać. He studied Sport Education at the Faculty of Pedagogy in Bihać.
He is also very proud that he took part at the ”Peace March Nezuci-Potočari”
In an interview to ”Oslobodjenje”, he said that received 1 500 votes in the last local election, and was one of top five candidates in the municipality of Bihać.
Tokumbo Shokunbi hopes that he will improve the overall situation of living for the young people in Bihać where he never felt discriminated because of the colour of his skin.
” Here, the colour of the skin, religion is irrelevant. Bihać welcomes everyone, and everyone should visit it, because the nature in Bihać is very beautiful, especially the Una river’’, said Faruk Tokumbo Shokunbi.
As a councillor of Bihać, he welcomes all good people with open arms.