Total seasonally adjusted industrial production in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in December last year was 1.9 percent lower than the previous month, while compared to the same month in 2022, calendar-adjusted industrial production was 8.5 percent lower.
The production of energy in December last year was higher by 0.7 percent compared to November of the same year, non-durable consumer goods by 0.3 percent, while the production of capital goods was lower by 3.7 percent, durable consumer goods by 2, 8 percent, and intermediate products by 1.7 percent, announced the Federal Bureau of Statistics.
In December 2023, compared to the same month in 2022, energy production is higher by 1.3 percent, while the production of intermediate products is lower by 15.9 percent, non-durable consumer goods by 10.5 percent, durable consumer goods by 10.5 percent. consumption by 9.8 percent, and capital goods by 1.1 percent.
Deseasonalized industrial production in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in December last year in the extraction of ore and stone was higher by 8.8 percent compared to the previous month, while it was lower in the production and supply of electricity and gas by 4.2 percent, and in the processing industry by 1. 3 percent.
In December of last year, compared to the same month in 2022, industrial production, calendar-adjusted, in the production and supply of electricity and gas was 0.4 percent higher, while it was lower in the processing industry by 10.6 percent, and in mining ore and stone by four percent.