A documentary by Suad Hadzimehanovic’ called ‘’The Hidden Great Pyramid that Heals’’ is a film about the Pyramids in Visoko and the city itself, and will compete at the Moscow International Film Festival.
The film features interviews with many famous doctors, scientists, researchers from all around the world. The movie director is Misha Tongola, it was produced by Drago Stevanovic and Suad Hadzimehanovic, while Hadzimehanovic and Tongola were also in charge of the cameras.
‘’We also talked to ordinary people, so we tried to present this story in multiple aspects. The film was shot for seven days in Visoko in last May,’’ Hadzimehanovic says.
The festival will take place next year in April, and since the greatest film achievements were presented there, it is known for being one of the largest film festivals in the world.
‘’It is a great pleasure for me to participate in the festival and thus to present the Pyramids, Visoko and Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially because Visoko is my hometown,’’ Hadzimehanovic says, Klix.ba portal reports.