The government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) has been officially informed by China that they have signed a contract for the supply of 500.000 doses of Sinopharm vaccine. This agreement has already been signed by the Government earlier.
The Chinese informed us that the administrative procedures for the procurement of Sinopharm vaccines have been completed, told Sinisa Skocibusic, the acting director of the Institute of Public Health.
“This is the first direct procurement of the FBiH Government from the manufacturer. We have another contract with a domestic wholesaler, and we will inform the public about that when it becomes available. It is important that we continue to follow the measures because the delta antigen has approached our neighborhood. We must use all possibilities, and in the upcoming period it is evident that there will be enough vaccines, ” he emphasized.
The anticipated deadline for the delivery of vaccines is five days from the payment to be made by the FBiH, but the Public Health Institute does not want to prejudge and give an exact date since they claim it depends on the Chinese side, as Skocibusic said.
The immunization process continues at its own pace, ” said Goran Cerkez, assistant to the Federal Ministry of Health.
He added that more than 236.000 vaccines have been administered in BiH so far. In order to accurately inform the public, I am obliged to say that BiH has so far procured 278.900 vaccines through COVAX and the mechanism of the European Union (EU), 210.000 were donated. The FBIH bought more vaccines than were donated.
It has been agreed, in the following period, we expect over 3.200.000 vaccines for BiH. It seems to us that in the coming period, optimism would be supported by an agreement with the Chinese,” stated Cerkez.
A total of 693.270 doses of vaccines arrived in BiH, of which 191.220 from the COVAX mechanism and 210.000 were donations. 87.750 arrived from the EU mechanism for Republika Srpska (RS), while 204.300 were purchased. 319.508 vaccines arrived in FBiH, of which 236.676 were applied, and the end date of data is June 28th.
Sinopharm has not been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), but EU countries can decide individually.
The rules on the entry of people vaccinated against Covid-19 in the member states of the EU are different, and each country decides individually, BHRT writes.