Organized by the Association of Bosnian Language Teachers of Victoria, the prom night of the 18th generation of Bosnian school graduates was held on Saturday in Melbourne.
The Bosnian school saw off 14 graduates this year.
The official part of the program was opened by the president of the Association of Teachers and Parents of the Bosnian Language of Victoria, Aisa Hadziahmetovic, who congratulated the graduates and thanked all those who supported the school.
Special thanks were given to the student’s parents, whose persistence in sending their children to Bosnian school is inspiring, as it indicates both the awareness that the mother tongue is the fundamental determinant of identity and the strength of the love they have for their First Homeland – Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).
On behalf of the Embassy of BiH, the best graduates from the 2022 Generation were awarded by the long-time activist of the Association of Teachers, Sead Omerovic.
Last year, the best results in the Bosnian language were achieved by Malik Cosic, Ajna Lacevic, and Neyra Mutapcic.
“It was important for me to learn about my parents’ country of origin, and I am happy that I had the opportunity to do that at the Bosnian school,” Mutapcic stated, a high school graduate, reports.