BiH enters in 2013, when it comes to European integrations, with clear tasks and deadlines because of the Croatian accession to the EU, which will make the border of Croatia with BiH, the border of the EU and BiH, which will force BiH to adopt some European standards in just few weeks, and BiH must make the Croatian accession to the EU a positive thing and not a burden, according to RSE
European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle said: ” If you ask me the biggest challenge for BiH is the fact that BiH will soon have 1000 kilometres of border with the EU and BiH must use this opportunity to fulfil certain technical issues concerning the border management, phytosanitary control requirements to make sure that July 1 would not a problem but an opportunity, a great opportunity for BiH and its citizens. I received assurances that after the reconstruction of governments in BiH, new coalition agreement and program, the focus of BiH politicians will be on the European agenda.”
European Parliament Rapporteur on Serbia Jelko Kacin said: ” I think that all the countries should benefit from the Croatian accession to the EU, and they all need to work more in order to create a better environment for future progress.”
RSA stated that this year is the anniversary of the Thessaloniki Agreement signed in 2002 that confirmed the European future for the West Balkans.
European Parliament Rapporteur on BiH Doris Pack said: ” The EU is not very keen to enlarge further than planned. Therefore, BiH must show that it is interested to complete the requirements. I admit that the climate is not most favourable for the expansion, but it is not BiH concern. Do your homework and trust the Thessaloniki Agreement. It was signed and thus it is in effect. If that agreement did not exist, things would be much harder. However we can rely on it and do something about it.’’