*The Minister of Labor and Veterans Protection of Republika Srpska, Petar Đokić said that there could be an increase in pensions in the following year of 2013. He also added how the increase in pensions depends on the discipline and responsibility of those who will become the new insurance payers. *
“The pensions will be increased if we achieve to be efficient enough in the collection of new contributions, which will be introduced with the implementation of the new law on contributions”- said Đokić
Đokić also said to the press that he estimates that more resources will be collected in the following year of 2013, which could secure the increase of pensions.
He also added that the budget for the 2013 year was planned according to the social categories of the citizens, especially veteran categories, so they would not be in any way denied of their rights.
”In the plan for the increase of pensions for workers and veterans we want to respect the rules installed by the veteran organizations, especially BORS, so that collected contributions would not be decreased.”- added Đokić