The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirmed, on 16 March 2020, an indictment charging the accused Jasmin Keserović under Count 1 with the commission of the criminal offense of Organizing a Terrorist Group under Article 202d (2), in connection with Paragraph (1), all as read with the criminal offense of Terrorism under Article 201 of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CC BiH), and under Count 2 with the commission of the criminal offense of Encouraging Terrorist Activities in Public under Article 202a of the CC BiH as read with Article 53 of the CC BiH.
The Indictment alleges that, on 23 January 2013, the accused Jasmin Keserović left the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and after arriving in Syria, became a member of ISIL terrorist organization, which by daily armed actions, namely attacks on the population, killing, unlawful detention, taking hostages and other actions, intended to force the legitimate authorities in Syria to change the constitutional order and the political regime, where he stayed through December 2019, and that along with other individuals from Bosnia and Herzegovina staying in Syria with the same intent, he participated in terrorist activities, rendered assistance and fought for ISIL forces in Syria, in the towns of Manbiy, Kobani, Raqqa and Al-Bab, within the “Bejt Commandos” unit, subsequently renamed “Al Aqsa” against the legitimate military forces of the state of Syria. The Indictment further alleges that the accused Jasmin Keserović, wearing a military uniform and armed with an automatic rifle, sent a message to the public via public media directly encouraging the commission of the criminal offense of Terrorism under Article 201(1) of the CC BiH by attacks on population and killings.