Employers in the Federation of BiH /FBiH/ proposed lowering and locking prices for 56 food and hygiene products in the fourth round of the project “Locking prices” which is current from tomorrow until the end of the year, the Federal Ministry of Trade announced.
The Association of Employers of FBiH pointed out that they corrected the list compared to the previous period and included several more items, and that they believe that in this way they will contribute to the quality of life of all, especially sensitive categories of the population such as pensioners and workers with lower incomes.
Federal Minister of Trade Amir Hasičević welcomed this initiative and said that employers have shown social responsibility this time, especially towards the most sensitive categories, by continuing this project voluntarily despite the fact that there was a significant stabilization of prices on the market.
The “We Lock Prices” project began on December 15, when the Federal Ministry of Trade, together with the Employers’ Association, Consumers’ Associations and Trade Unions agreed to lower and lock the prices of 40 food and hygiene items for three months in order to prevent a sudden increase in prices. and made it possible for consumers with lower incomes to provide the basic necessities of life.
The protocol was signed by 32 trade entities that have more than 1,500 trade shops in FBiH.