Taxi driver from Mostar Fadil Jazvin will apply for the Guinness Book of Records as the cheapest taxi driver in the World.
Jazvin called on a duel big taxi companies in Mostar and he’s the only in BiH who lowered the price of driving to 90 pfenings (around 45 euro-cents) a kilometre.
”Times are hard and the crisis is big, especially in Mostar. One must help to people, and any one of us can help. This is my contribution to prevent people from being used to pay a lot of money for their basic needs. I call on everyone, not just taxi drivers, to follow my example in order to decrease prices and with that to raise the overall spending and contribute to better standard for all”, said Jazvin.
He added that if he manages to enter the Guiness Book of Records, in order to start similar actions in other sectors. He also promised that if he does enter the book, he’ll drive citizens all day free of charge.