Third meeting of the Commission for NATO integration process of BiH was held yesterday in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Head of the Commission for NATO integration process Ana Trišić-Babić presided over the meeting.
Deputy Minister of Security of BiH Mladen Ćavar and deputy minister of Defence of BiH Marina Pendeš also participated in the meeting.
The Commission took note of the information on the development of the Individual Partnership Action Plan of BiH (IPAP) for the period of the 2013 – 2015 and information about the status of the Individual Partnership Program Cooperation of BiH (IPPC) in 2013.
The Commission also adopted a conclusion on participation of BiH in the ISAF mission, as well as the perspectives for further participation.
It was concluded that on the next meeting which will be held in January 2013, the Commission will consider the modalities of the participation of BiH in the ISAF mission in 2013 and what contribution can BiH give to the Afghan society in the period after the withdrawal of the international forces.