International Sarajevo Festival ” Sarajevo Winter 2013- The Art of Touch” will organize a music program in the collaboration with the Bosniak Institute ”Adil Zulfikarpašić” Foundation to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of world known composers Giuseppe Verdi and Richard Wagner. The selector of this years’ music program of the International Sarajevo Festival ” Sarajevo Winter 2013” is Lejla Alimanović.
The festival jury and the public jury will chose the most successful creation and give the award of the ” Sarajevo Winter 2013” the ” Silver Snowflake”. The president of the festival jury is Professor Tomislav Išek.
The music program of the International Sarajevo Festival ” Sarajevo Winter 2013” will welcome numerous guests , such as: Marcelo Bratke from Brazil, Sinan Alimanović, Irina Georgijeva and Anders Lind from Switzerland, Anđela Bratić from Serbia, Symphonic Orchestra Mostar, Montenegrin duo – Guitar, Tatjana Romanić- Piralić and Belinda Krnić, Banja Luka Trio, and Mak Grgić.