In the continuation of the operational action “Shield 2021”, members of the Trebinje Border Police Unit, during a search of vehicles on Friday, found 13,470 boxes of cigarettes without excise stamps with a market value of over 70,000 marks.
Police officers stopped and controlled a passenger motor vehicle driven by a BiH citizen the border zone on sector A8 Lastva on a side forest road in the Trebinje area, and noticed a large quantity of cigarettes, and another person without documents was controlled, the Border Police said.
The duty prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH and the pre-trial judge of the Court of BiH were informed about this, who ordered an on-site inspection and that the vehicle, cigarettes and persons be safely taken to the Trebinje Border Police Unit for further proceedings for the crime. ” smuggling ”.
The mentioned persons were deprived of their liberty on the spot, and the vehicle and cigarettes were confiscated. Work on these activities continues.