Party suitability in the employment and distribution of directorships and other positions in Bosnia and Herzegovina – incident or practice? How often is the criterion for personnel solutions above expertise and competence? These questions are initiated almost daily by BiH. really. The analysis of the Restart Srpska Association, for example, shows that acting directors in Republika Srpska can be in that position for years, without competition and the necessary qualifications, if they are party eligible. Billboards appeared in Banja Luka about acting directors. We investigated why the authorities do not bring order in this area?
Do you want to become a director of a public company, but you don’t meet the requirements? Yes, it is possible. The message is on the billboards that ReStart Srpska wanted to draw the public’s attention to the misuse of this function. The president of this Association says that they were inspired by the Prime Minister’s statement that an acting director should be appointed if he does not meet the requirements prescribed by law to be appointed as a director. ReStart conducted an analysis and sent proposals to all competent institutions and MPs to define clear criteria and mandates for acting officials. They also requested the establishment of a system of supervision and responsibility. However, no one reacted.
STEFAN BLAGIĆ, President of the “ReStart Srpska” Association
“It is enough that they appoint you as acting president. and you can stay for 10, 20, 30 years and you don’t have to fulfill any conditions that are provided when a regularly elected director is chosen.”
For a long time, there was no competition for any director’s position in public companies, but acting officials are appointed on the basis of coalition agreements and this is no longer hidden, they say in “Transparency International”.
SRĐAN TRALJIĆ, “Transparency International”
“It is a practice that represents a mechanism of political party control over public companies and institutions, because in this way they keep control over the behavior of management positions.”
ReStart Srpska created a video database about VD champions. In it, you can see acting officers with a mandate of more than 10 years, those who remain in the positions of directors despite multimillion-dollar losses, violations of the law and party recruitment.
NENAD STEVANDIĆ, President of the National Assembly of the RS
“I am of the opinion that Acting there should be a contest once and for all, if you ask me personally, and after that one more time until the contest ends.”
VUKOTA GOVEDARICA, head of the Club of SDS MPs in the NSRS
“The Law on Governmental, Ministerial and other Appointments states exactly how many Acting Ministers can be. in that position. It can be 60 and after that another 60 days and that’s where it ends. With us, the acting officials will be for five years each.”
According to the Center for Humane Policy, it is in the best interest of the citizens that capable directors are chosen in competitions, and not just party followers without qualifications.
MOMIR DEJANOVIĆ, president of the Center for Human Policy
“That is not good because these people do not have the ability, qualifications or independence to perform their duties in a responsible manner if they are dependent on the party.
Our interlocutors conclude that the authorities do not want to appoint expert directors through a competition, because that means they lose control. Acting directors can be held in a fist to sign harmful contracts and work in the interest of the party. If they refuse to obey, they point out, they know what follows – dismissal without legal restrictions.