This year’s collective funeral for identified victims of genocide in Prijedor will be conducted today, the 20th of July 2016, at the martyr’s cemetery at Kamicani at 11:00 am.
Among the identified victims is Emira Mulalic, who was only 5 years old when she was brutally murdered.
Identified victims who will be buried on the 20th of July 2016:
- Susic (Eniz) Nihad born 18.09.1971. place of burial: Prijedor – Skela
- Mulalic (Emir) Emira born 19.04.1987. place of burial: Hambarine
- Karagic (Salih) Dervis born 04.05.1931. place of burial: Rizvanovici
- Sara (Sejdo) Senadin born 14.04.1962. place of burial: Prijedor-Skela
- Besic (Muhamed) Velid born 14.08.1968. place of burial: Kamicani
- Hodzic (Ragib) Hamo born27.05.1930. place of burial: Carakovo
- Kardumovic (Rasim) Miralem born 09.11.1964. place of burial: Hambarine
- Omanovic (Sakib) Nedim born 10.02.1966. place of burial: Prijedor-Skela
One of the greatest crimes in the context of genocide that was committed in the Bosnian Krajina, took place on the 20th of July 1992 in Prijedor. In just one day, a total of 1,600 civilians were killed. Serbian authorities, which were supported by the criminal JNA, carried out an attack on Bosnian villages on the left bank of Sana River: Biscani, Rizvanovici, Rakovcani, Hambarine, Carakovo, Zecovo and Croatian villages: Brisevo, Raljas, Stara Rijeka and others.
Bloody orgy resulted in the killing of hundreds of Bosnian and Croatian civilians, and an undetermined number of citizens were taken to concentration camps, where they were brutally killed. Imprisonment, rape and deportation of BH citizens in Omarska, Keraterm and Trnopolje continuously took place during the month of July. Tortures, murders, rapes, demolition, looting and devastation of property was an everyday practice.
In the three best known death camps, more than 31,000 Bosnians and Croats were tortured, and more than 1,000 of them got killed. As a result of aggression and genocidal policy, more than 3,200 people were killed regardless of their sex and age group.
(Source: nap)