Stories about lives of BH politicians before they arrival to the big scene are always interesting, Many of them, actually, were not involved in any public jobs. They were modest professors, economists, journalists, construction workers, guards etc.
Only a few of them had a political experience before the aggression on our country. Somebody had to lead the independent country to the future. Meanwhile, many of them gave up, and the political scene was refreshed by new faces from mainly outdated ideology.
Milorad Dodik grew up in a working-class family and he gladly recalls his childhood in every occasion, travelling through markets of the former Yugoslavia and happy youth, After successfully completion of his studies in Belgrade, he returned to Laktasi where he became a president of the Executive Board of municipality Laktasi. He was a delegate in the B&H Parliament since 1990. Therefore, Dodik has a certain political experience from the period before the aggression.
Martin Raguz was a senior associate in the Assembly of the Municipality Stolac. In 1990, Alliance of the Socialist Youth of B&H, whose member he was, became a member of the party SSO-DS, and Raguz got a place in the Presidency, After that, he announced his candidature for a member of the B&H Presidency, but with no success, as well as at the last elections.
Fahrudin Radoncic, president of SBB, started to deal with the journalism in 1978. Two years later, he became an editor in the Youth initiative in Titograd, Montenegro. He started to deal with politics in 1983. He was a secretary of the Republic committee of the Alliance of Communists of Montenegro. He was a correspondent of the weekly Danas from Zagreb. He launched Dnevni Avaz in 1991.