The Bosnian and Herzegovinian (BiH) Food Safety Agency through the system of Rapid food and feed safety alert (EU RASFF) has so far not been informed that the products delivered by the French company Lactalis Nutrition Sante (baby milk formulas and baby food products) are pulled from the market in many countries because of the found presence of salmonella bacteria.
“Given that the disputed food is intended for the most vulnerable population, the Agency has requested from the competent inspection bodies of BiH, the Entities and the Brcko District of BiH to urgently take measures within their jurisdiction and to determine whether there has been any distribution of disputed products at the BiH market, although currently there are not any information that BiH is on the list of countries in which distribution is made, “ it was said to the ‘Faktor’ in the Agency.
The Agency also requested information from Lactalis BH doo Gradacac, member of the Lactalis group, about the possible distribution of disputed products to the BH market.
Lactalis BH doo Gradacac today informed the Agency that it did not import or distribute these products to the BiH market.