Sarajevo Fair is doing the final preparations and all the necessary activities for the organization of the fair manifestation “International Tourism Day – Sarajevo 2014”, which will take place from 8 until 11 May in the Center Skenderija.
According to the organization, tourism is the contemporary social and economic phenomenon, which, despite the global economic crisis, remains one of the fastest growing economic sectors. Moreover, the tourist market has a significant influence on the total county’s development, ecology and preservation of cultural heritage.
Ahmed Zubović, the director of the Office for fair and congress business in the center Skenderija, said for Newspaper Agency Fena that the “International Tourism Day – Sarajevo 2014” represents the important place of gathering of all participants participating in the tourist offer. Moreover, these participants represent an important marketing tool for the presentation of tourist offers, destinations and services.
Moreover, he added that 800 m2 are already leased for the manifestation needs, and that the tourist associations from Canton Sarajevo, Touristic Organizations from the RS and Tourist Community of the FB&H, will take part. In addition the agencies and touristic promoters from 4-5 countries, for instance from Bahrain and Turkey, are also expected to come.
(Source: Fena)