Representatives of the Institute for Urbanism, Spatial Planning and Protection of the Cultural and Historical Heritage of Central Bosnia Canton, together with the Ministry of Interior and the inspection of that canton, determined that the stecak offered for sale through the OLX platform was not moved.
The director of the Institute, Aziz Catic, confirmed to Fena news agency that the cantonal prosecutor’s office was contacted in connection with the attempt to sell that valuable cultural heritage, and concluded that there were no elements for criminal prosecution in that case.
“We sent a notice to the owner of the land on which the stecak tombstone is located, stating that he must not take any actions without the consent of the competent institution that could damage the property of the property. If he does not comply, he will be held accountable according to the law,” says Catic.
In April, an OLX user from Vitez offered a medieval tombstone for sale. The Commission to Protect National Monuments confirmed that the tombstone was unregistered.