Reform of the FB&H is a necessity and should not wait for the constitutional reform of the state, said in an interview for ‘Dnevni Avaz’ Thomas Markert, the Secretary General of the Venice Commission.
Markert is in B&H these days, where he became familiar with the proposals to changes in the FB&H Constitution, and which were, at the initiative of the US Embassy in Sarajevo, done by local experts.
‘’This reform is extremely important, because it is clear that the FB&H Constitution is not functional. This entity is always in a financial crisis, because the system wastes a lot of money, and then there is no money left for the needs of the citizens’’, said Markert.
He said that there is an urgent need for reform, and that it is positive that local experts did the proposals for reform.
‘’The logistics were secured by the US Embassy, but this is the work of B&H experts. It was about time that such reforms come from the inside. It is a good thing that it is a fair and realistic text. This is not some idealistic version, but the political reality is taken in to account. We have a solution that could be acceptable to different policy options and sides. We have given a very good assessment. It is not the final text, but a very good basis for something further’’, he said.
(Source: Fena)