Assistants to the Mayor of Sarajevo Firdevsa Brackovic and Sabina Hadziahmetovic visited yesterday the family Mevic in Visoko whose son Adnan, the sixth-billion resident of the planet Earth, celebrated 16th birthday.
On this occasion, the assistants to the Mayor presented financial and other appropriate gifts to the birthday boy on behalf of the City of Sarajevo and the Mayor Ivo Komsic. Representatives from the Municipality Visoko also attended the birthday celebration.
Adnan, who is currently going to the second grade of School of Economy in Visoko, together with his mother Fatima thanked the representatives from the City of Sarajevo and the Municipality Visoko for remembering him every year and coming to his birthday celebration.
Namely, the City of Sarajevo has been providing financial assistance to the sixth-billion resident of the planet Earth from its budget since 1999.
(Source: photo visoko)