The mayors of Sarajevo and Beijing Abdulah Skaka and Chen Jining agreed to strengthen cooperation, especially in the field of tourism, today at a meeting in Podgorica. During the meeting, the two first men of the capitals of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and China, Jining accepted the invitation to visit Sarajevo.
Also, activities aimed towards establishing stronger economic relations and better connections between the two capital cities were agreed to.
The mayor of Beijing invited the mayor of Sarajevo to lead a delegation of officials, representatives of the tourist community and reporters which would visit Beijing and organize a promotion of Sarajevo.
“I consider it an extremely good opportunity to present our city in the best light. Tourism is in the focus of this city administration and we’ll do everything we can to use these opportunities in the best way possible,” Skaka said.
It was also offered to the mayor of Beijing to present the capital city of China in the same way.
The establishment of a direct air flight between Sarajevo and Beijing, which would further encourage potential tourists, was discussed and the mayor of Beijing showed particular interest in that. It was agreed to continue consultations between the responsible institutions of the two countries regarding this question.
The meeting between Skaka and Jining was held at the sidelines of the Second Forum of Mayors of Capital Cities of Central and East Europe and China, which is being held in Podgorica. The ambassador of BiH to Montenegro Dorde Latinovic also attended the meeting.