The 7-day action “Coding lesson” is being organized throughout the world and in BIH this is the third consecutive year that this event is organized.
On this occasion, Sarajevo technology park HUB 387 hosted students from schools from Mostar and Stolac.
Their hosts were companies Mistral, Purple Key, Authority Partners, ACADEMY387 and NEST71.
Guests were divided into groups and had coding lessons with best programmers gathered in HUB. Then they attended lectures at the Academy 387, and at the end of their stay they participated in a survey. Results were very encouraging: out of 40 students who attended the Coding Lesson 31 of them declared that they would like to master the programming skills and professionally join HUB one day.
Transportation and food costs for students from Stolac and Mostar were paid by employees of the mentioned companies. Congratulations!