First phase of building the new prison in suburb of Mostar, Jasenica is finished, but further works have been suspended because the funding decision from current Government is being is being expected.
Manager of Criminal – Correctional Institution (KZP) Mostar Romeo Zelenika said that the prison will be built in four phases, each lasting a year.
”We’ve almost finished first phase, and we’re very satisfied with results, but we still need to do plumbing and wiring”, said Zelenika in an interview to ”Večernji list”.
The entire project is worth 20 million BAM, and the first phase 3.3 million BAM.
Zelenika said that the work will be continued as soon as the money arrives.
He added that the prison is enclosed by four walls; the first wall encloses the entire building and its 4 metres tall. Within there is a semi-open prison and closed prison.
Semi-open prison is enclosed by 4 metres walls, while closed prison by 6 metres.
Prison promenade is enclosed by 7 metres wall, and it is dug in ground.
”The promenade will be divided in four boxes depending on the severity of crime. The entire prison is surrounded by protective channel that prevents the car bomb attack on the facility. In the planning and construction of facilities we used superior safety standards, and we can say that this will be the most secure prison in the country.’’, said Zelenika.
Within the walls the construction of outbuildings are finished, among them the workshop for prisoners, kitchen, storage and drying room.
The space on which the prison is being built is 50 000 m2 large.
Besides, the aforementioned outbuildings, the building of prison administration, restaurant, sport fields and economic unit will be built.
Mostar prison already has an economic unit that provides food, and a part of it is being sold at the market. It is situated in suburb Bare, and in few years it will be relocated to new prison complex.
”I still don’t know what will happen with the economic unit Bare; it’s up to the Government of FBiH and competent Ministry. Either way, we shall continue producing food for prison’s need”, said Zelenika.
Mostar prison is currently located in the centre of the city, and when the new building starts operating the current one will be a detention unit.
New prison will have capacity of420 prisoners, and current can accept only 200.