Amra Beha decided to share her story about the violence she experienced in the family. In an interview, she told difficult details about the moments she spent with her partner.
“During the pregnancy itself, there was psychological violence, very quickly in our relationship he began to separate me from the people dear to me. None of my friends are good, every man close to me is my “lover”. He started abusing me physically, I experienced that I was tied with black tape, my hands and feet were tied and over my mouth so that I could not scream and I was behind the door and I could not approach my child to feed him. My Kan was a baby then,” she said.
“It goes from “why did you buy that cream” to “you don’t need this, you don’t need that”. It didn’t bother me at that moment, when I stepped away from it all, I saw that I was in big trouble. It is very difficult to explain it to people. One of my friends who knows me saw how I changed, losing weight”.
”She helped me go and report him. I went through that physical violence from the birth of my child until 2016″.
“I felt extra fear especially because I dragged my friend into that problem. I slept at her place for three nights. I took the child and we were at her apartment. I was afraid if he found out where I was it would be a problem. It doesn’t matter to him where I am, he will come and make trouble. He goes to the police and starts crying and they believe him”.
“He beat me with a wet towel, these are some of his military methods. So that there are no bruises. I filed a criminal complaint, which I withdrew because I returned to him from the Safe House”.
What happens in a woman so she comes back?
“A lot happens in a woman, fear for herself, fear for the child. You’re just not strong. Me at 20 years old, and me today are two different women. After the first criminal complaint, a long time passed, last year I filed a second criminal complaint. I had enough of everything, I came and said that I would come with a lawyer because they said again that they did not see any traces of violence on me,” said Amra.
“He is a classic manipulator, but what he imagined did not come true for him. I came out stronger from everything, and learned a lot about psychology”, N1 reports.