Judo practitioner, Larisa Cerić and the tennis player Damir Džumhur are elected as the best sportswoman and sportsman of the year in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The best sportsman and woman were elected by the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Larisa Cerić was proclaimed as the best sportswoman in both categories. ” Davis Cup” representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Damir Džumhur has marked a significant progress of at least 150 places on the ATP list and has won five awards on the ITF tournaments.
At the special ceremony of the awards in the Olympic Museum ” Zetra”, awards were given in seven more categories. The best team was the junior basketball representation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The best coach for the year 2012 is the selector of the judo representation, Branislav Crnogorac. The most successful team in the category of Paralympic sports is the Bosnian representation in sitting volleyball that won the gold medal at the Paralympic games in London. In the category of best juniors and cadets, the best were Aleksandra Samrdžić (judo) and Petar Zadro (judo). The best sportsman in the category of non-Olympic sports was karate practitioner Nermin Potur. The special award for the Lifetime Achievement went to the former popular Bosnian football player and coach Ivica Osim. Special awards in different categories went to: Mirza Teletović, Salko Hasanefendić, Football Council of B&H, Husnija Kajmović, Dejana Sadžak, Edin Branković, Milanko Mučibabić and Mehmedalija Bajrić.