“Infinity Heart” is the name of the product that was designed and developed by three young people from Sarajevo Edis Kujović, Sven Rifatbegović and Faris Biogradlić. This product has won the first place in the competition in 3D printing.
These innovative young people have signed up to the competition for the best Valentine 3D model that organizes Cgtrader.com in cooperation with other companies that produce 3D printers.
On the basis of innovation, design and presentation the jury decided that the “Infinity Heart” is a definite winner from a total of 200 products in competition.
Edis, Sven and Faris say that their 3D printed product combines art and tradition.
“Infinity Heart” can be used as decoration, stand for jewelry or for liquid scents.
Additionally, it is important to note that Kujovic, Rifatbegović and Biogradlić have founded their own online store Artmax, and in the future they plan to develop more innovative and specific products by which they want to present themselves at the highest level in the 3D printing technology.
(Source: klix)