“Tourists leaflet” of Police Directorate of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Canton Sarajevo-Police Station of Stari Grad was promoted today at the Oslobođenja square-Alija Izetbegović, within the Coca-Cola Sarajevo Holiday Market. The leaflet contains some of the basic guidelines and tips for tourists and all the visitors of Sarajevo, regarding their safety and pleasant stay in Sarajevo, and how to avoid any inconveniences regarding the robbery of documents, wallets etc.
The leaflet contains phone numbers of all police stations, who are always available to provide assistance and helpful tips.
This project is sponsored by the Municipality Stari Grad Sarajevo and Coca-Cola Sarajevo Holiday Market and is implemented within the project “Community Police Operation” of the Police Directorate of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Canton Sarajevo.
(Source: Coca-Cola Sarajevo Holiday Market)