Tuzla protestors today, after Prime Minister of Tuzla Canton Sead Čausević Resigned, were calmer and stopped the aggression towards buildings of government institutions. Int the evening, through social network announced their requests.
“Tuzla is creating today a new future! Government resigned, with which is achieved the first request of protestors. Accumulated anger is the cause of violent behavior. The attitude of authorities led to the fact that anger and rage escalated”, announced protestors.
They pointed put that the new situation of anger and rage want to focus on building productive and useful government system and in this regard they presented their demands:
1. Maintaining public order in cooperation with citizens, police and civil protection, in order to avoid any criminalization, politicization and manipulation of any protests.
2. Establishing a technical government, consisting of experts, non-partisans, non-compromised members, who so far did not have any single mandate in any level of government, which would lead Tuzla Canton to Election 2014. The government shall have the duty to submit weekly plans and reports on the activities and to achieve the given objectives. The work of Government shall be monitored by all the interested citizens.
3. To urgently resolve the issue of company privatization: Dita, Polihel, Poliolhem, Gumara and Konjuh and to provide to employees the working experience and health care; to prosecute economic crimes and all the actors who participated in it; to confiscate illegally acquired properties, to cancel the privatization contracts, to do the revision of privatization, to return manufactures to workers and to put under the control the public authorities in order to safeguard the public interests and to start the production in those factories where is possible.
4. To balance the salaries of government representatives with the salaries of employees in the public and private sector.
5. To cut off the additional payment of governmental representatives, on the basis of participation in commissions, committees and other bodies, as well as other unreasonable and unjustified compensation.
6. To cut off the salaries of ministers and other state officials after expiration or termination of the mandate.
(Source: Klix.ba/photo:tuzlarije)