UNICEF presented the campaign Justice for every child
Results of the UNICEF campaign *Justice for every child* which was held in the framework of project *Protection of the children exposed to risk and children in contact with the legal system of BiH* were presented yesterday in Sarajevo.
On that occasion, the letters of thanks were awarded to the participants. Awards were also given for the best journalistic achievement in the field of child protection, prevention and juvenile justice in 2012 year.
The campaign also involved a number of public figures, and the singer Dino Merlin was named ambassador of the campaign.
“We all want the best for the children, there is a responsibility of parents, organizations and systems, but we must not forget the responsibility of us – the famous people who are models for the children. Only if we work together, we can help children to advance in sports and culture and stop them from becoming criminals” – said Merlin.