The constructors of the Turkish company who are working on the reconstruction of the famous bridge of Mehmed-Pasha Sokolovic, durprised the people of Visegrad with a new technical solution, because they constructed a mini-bridge on the left bank of the Drina River.
The new bridge made of tuff was built on the ramp on the Osojnica Creek, where the constructors opened two more shafts filled with mud, earth and gravel, besides the one which was in function, during the reconstruction of the bridge on the Drina River. This part of the big, old bridge looks like a small bridge turned towards Drina. The masters for bridges from Turkey set up pillars made of tuff at the beginning and at the end of the small bridge which mark its beginning and end, just like it was done with the old bridge.
The older people of Visegrad remember that a similar pillar, which looked like a roadside tombstone, used to be at the beginning of the bridge of Mehmed-Pasha Sokolovic, in the corner of the current summer garden of the hotel “Andricev konak”. The other one, which marked the end of the bridge, was behind the mouth of the Osojnica Creek at the place of the current traffic lights. These pillars have been destroyed in time, and were never reconstructed.
It is not visible on the old photographs of the bridge from the Austro-Hungarian period that the small bridge on the ramp of the old bridge was marked, nor there are any records of it.
(Source: bosnapress)