The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) is preparing a series of amendments to regulations and ordinances intended to stop the further expansion of small hydropower plants and the destruction of rivers. The first such decision is a complete stop to subsidizing small hydro and it should take effect on January 1st, 2021.
As reported by Balkan Green Energy News, at a recent meeting the Prime Minister of the Federation Fadil Novalić discussed with ministers Edita Đapo (environment and tourism), Nermin Džindić (energy, mining and industry), and Šemsudin Dedić (agriculture, water management and forestry) the need for implementing short-term measures and actions as soon as possible to stop the expansion of small hydropower plants and prevent the destruction of rivers. The meeting is part of the ongoing work started by the local and international civil society organizations and continued by the Parliament of the Federation when they voted for a complete ban on small hydropower development in June this year.
The decision to stop new incentives for small hydro is only the first measure. The Government agreed on a need for amendments to a number of ordinances, both in the nature protection sector, as well as in the energy and water management sectors. The Government stated that representatives of civil society organizations will also participate in this process.
“These are encouraging news, but it is important to insist on the implementation of this decision as well as make amendments to relevant regulations. Small hydropower plants do not bring any benefit to the society, economy, or development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is high time for both entities, the Federation and the Republic of Srpska, as well as all cantonal authorities in the country, to accept the facts and stop subsidizing new and existing small hydropower plants”, said Zoran Mateljak, Freshwater Program Manager at WWF Adria.