The Government of Tuzla Canton accepted the Release on the work of the Public institution Employment service of Tuzla canton for 2013, along with the Report on the execution of the financial plan. During 2013, on the record of the Cantonal employment service there was 23.178 newly registered, which is 473 persons more than in 2012. There was 7.240 applications submitted for the determination of rights for the fees regarding dismissal.
In addition, there were 141 applications submitted by the foreigners for the working permit.
The last information of the Federal institute for statistics show that in Tuzla canton there was 80.290 employed persons which represents the decrease in 25 persons with regard to 2012 when 80.315 persons were employed.
On the territory of Tuzla canton in the end of 2013, there was 98.956 unemployed persons. Moreover, in 2013 around 22.511 persons were deleted, due to various reasons from the record, from which 14.153 were deleted due to the employment.
The Agency for work and employment of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Federal agency for work from Germany, signed the Agreement on cooperation on the hiring of workers from Bosnia-Herzegovina in Germany, for a limited time.
During that period 48 persons from the territory of Tuzla canton got the job, for limited time, on the position of the assistant for health care in Germany.