Minister of Civil Affairs, Adil Osmanović said that, since coming to this position, he put his maximum efforts in the attempt to find solution for the National Museum.
“We are working on establishing the conditions for work of the other six cultural institutions as well, which are without founders after the Dayton Agreement,” said Osmanović.
In the penultimate session of the Council Ministers of B&H, the Information about the current situation in the seven cultural institutions was submitted.
“The thing that they have in common is that they are in the extremely difficult situation, and that their management structure is not defined. We have offered certain conclusions to the Council of Ministers of B&H and they have been adopted, “said Osmanović.
It was concluded that the Ministry of Civil Affairs, together with the other ministries of the Council of Ministers of B&H, is in charge to form an intersectoral group that would adequately access resolving of these problems.
“Moreover, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of B&H is in charge to work with entity and cantonal ministries of culture on finding the possibilities for stable financing and the establishment of a temporary management structure,” said Osmanović.
In the last couple of months, the Ministry of Civil Affairs is in constant contact with the Government of Canton Sarajevo, the municipalities of the city of Sarajevo, the Mayor of Sarajevo, as well as with the ministries of education and culture at the level of FB&H.
“These days we are starting consultations with the Ministry of Culture of RS and I hope that we have advanced in the matter of finding a stable and safer way of financing of these cultural institutions. I hope that we will be able to open the National Museum of B&H in the first half of the month of September this year, and that it will have a stable financing by then. In the following period, after the opening, the intersectoral working group should find a way to address the issue of the seven cultural institutions according to the law, “said Osmanović.