Next, fourth concert of the project ‘Music Scene Kaktus’ will be held on 26 April. In the past three weeks in the amphitheatre of Dom Mladih, three concerts were held and band Billy Andol and Basheskia & Edward EQ, Sniženo vladanje and Letu Štuke te Velahavle and DJ-evi El Karinho i Djarmah performed.
Next concert will offer the opportunity to all fans of great music to enjoy the music of band ‘Erogene Zone’ from Sarajevo, with the support of the young band ‘S.P.U.K.’. Tickets for the concert, that starts at 8.30 p.m. cost 10 BAM, 2 BAM drink included in the price.
Band ‘Erogene Zone’ was formed in 1992 and they perform rock music with a modern approach to it.
The project ‘Music Scene Kaktus’ will be held from April to July 2013 in order to revive the tradition of former renowned club ‘Kaktus’.
Ater this concert bands KZU Ole, Ole & PZU Oje, Oje, Killing Jazz Hard Core Baby, Skroz, Zoster will perform as well.
Sponsors of the project are Sarajvsko Pivo, Coca Cola and Jägermeister, and media sponsors are Antena Sarajevo, and Sarajevo Navigator.