Fruit Producers from Banja Luka, Gradiska, Laktasi, Srbac and Kozarska Dubica yesterday in Trebovljani near Gradiska, have signed contracts on the cooperation and sales of fruit in order to improve production and sales conditions in BiH, region and world.
The cooperation is the new way of organizing fruit producers that should represent the beginning of solving problems in the area of fruit production, as emphasized from the Association of fruit producers of Republika Srpska. Contract on the cooperation and sales of fruit were signed yesterday at 4:00 p.m. in premises of the company “Agroimpeks“ in Trebovljani near Gradiska.
The president of the Association of fruit produces of RS, Dragoja Dojcinovic, said earlier to “Srna“ that this initiative was planned for years, but fruit producers decided to make this step now. According to his words, fruit producers will have the joint production, marketing, uniform technology and protection of orchards, especially when it comes to the joint procurement of chemicals up to 20% cheaper than individually.
He added that there is some interest of Russian and Nordic market, but also that it was hard to agree business because no one was interested in the purchase of few truckloads of fruit. Dojcinovic said that fruit producers had a support for joining from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Waterpower engineering of RS, which is expected to help them when it comes to the cooling capacities.