The BiH Minister of Defense, Zekerijah Osmić and his deputy defense for resource management Mirko Okolić spoke with the Ambassador of Italy in BiH H.E. Raimondo De Cardone about the current level of cooperation in the area of defense between BiH and Italy.
They expressed their willingness to continue and to expand cooperation.
Of particular importance, the Memorandum of Understanding between BiH and Italy on defense cooperation, with will be signed on 30. January in Rome, was highlighted.
Minister Osmić will sign the Memorandum on behalf of the BiH Council of Ministers.
Also during the meeting, areas of future cooperation were identified, the support of the program Perspektiva, as well as other possible forms of support from Italy in SUPPORTING the armed forces of BiH.
During the meeting, the importance of the contribution of BiH to the Mission ISAF was highlighted, and including BIH in NATO and activating MAP.
Minister Osmić thanked Italy for showing its support through its action in the area of EUFOR and its strong commitment for BiH to become a part of NATO and the EU.