Due to the increase in the price of raw coffee on the global stock exchanges, it is anticipated that new, higher prices for the favorite beverage among the population will soon be implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), although the current coffee prices are already at the peak that citizens can bear.
Momcilo Banjac, director of the coffee roasting company “Minea” from Gradiska, stated that the prices of raw coffee on the market have been rising lately, and turbulent times lie ahead.
“All types of coffee have significantly increased in price, so it is unquestionable that prices will be higher, and this increase will also affect espresso and other types of coffee,” said Banjac, noting that there will be a minimum of a 10 percent price increase.
Goran Kurtinovic, a member of the Management Board of the Association of Employers in Catering and Tourism of the Republika Srpska (RS) “Horeca,” said that restaurateurs were expecting coffee prices to stabilize, but the stock exchanges indicate otherwise.
“There will probably be small price adjustments in catering establishments,” said Kurtinovic, emphasizing that current coffee prices are already at the peak that citizens can bear.
According to data from the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA), BiH imported just over 4.8 million kilograms of coffee worth more than 35.9 million BAM in the first three months of this year, with the most coffee coming from Brazil, amounting to 2.7 million kilograms.
They added that in the same period last year, BiH imported 4.6 million kilograms of coffee worth just over 32.5 million BAM.
“During the first three months of this year, BiH exported 36.171 kilograms of coffee worth 445.443 BAM,” said the ITA BiH, adding that last year in the same period, 10.954 kilograms of coffee were exported worth 147.321 BAM, Biznis Info writes.