During this year, BiH Air Navigation Services Agency will take control of BiH air space in phases.
Associate for Public Affairs at the Directorate of Civil Aviation Aleksandar Lalović said that the initial operation concerning this issue will be taken during this year.
According to Lalović, BiH Air Navigation Services Agency will start taking care of regional air space of BiH.
Lalović said that because the air space of BiH is stratified, it is necessary that BiH Air Navigation Services Agency in cooperation with competent agencies from Serbia and Croatia takes the control of air space but in phases.
It is said that one cannot talk about the losses because BiH does not control its air space for a quite some time, and every country that controls its air space collects money.
”The money is collected via providing services for airplanes, and BiH did not offer many services in this area”, said Lalović.
He added that money that BiH collects from the regional air control can be used for improving the air control, but also the money can be used for schools, hospitals, etc.