Serbian member of the BiH Presidency Željka Cvijanović emphasized that there was no good will in BiH to reach an agreement on common holidays, which shows the deep disintegration of both politics and society as a whole, institutionally and in every possible way.
“Instead of fixing it in a way that would be acceptable, there is a constant need for imposition. They want to impose a high representative on us by force, some ambassadors want to force us to think this way or that, political partners who think differently want to force us force that it must be as they say,” Cvijanović told BHT.
She assessed that it would be good if an agreement had been reached regarding joint holidays at the BiH level.
“Now you have the irony that in Republika Srpska, Dayton is being commemorated, the foundation for what is today BiH, in which we have lived for 28 years, and on the other hand, we have the commemoration of November 25, a date associated with the former state that was abandoned, conceptually, ideologically and valuable,” said the Serbian member of the Presidency.
She stated that some will not accept that BiH became on November 21, with the internal arrangement as it is in the country, and on the other hand, they are bothered by the celebration of January 9 – the Day of the Republika Srpska, but not the celebration of March 1.
“You have an attack on January 9, which, like bajagi, offends someone and the like, and on the other hand, for something you left, destroying the previous country, you say “these are our basic values,” said Cvijanović.
She added that anti-fascists should be everyone who resists various negative things, but that all this should not be misused and claim that something is a holiday when it is not.
According to her, everything that is important and positive from the past should be cherished on some universal level.
“We need to force each other to solve things through dialogue, and not to use someone from the outside. Everything that works on the basis of force or imposition does not produce an emotional connection with the state, or with anything. It only creates greater resistance,” Cvijanović emphasized.
She pointed out that January 9 – the Day of the Republika Srpska will be celebrated, adding that it is not a provocation, as some in FBiH represent it.
The Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina said that she does not expect sanctions for commemorating January 9.
“I am not afraid of any sanctions and I don’t know why they would exist. The presence of certain countries here has been seen for some time only through sanctions and certain threats. We are used to the presence of those who are a foreign factor here, and according to their statements, they have almost become locals interfere in anything and everything,” said Cvijanović.