Director of EUROPOL Rob Wainwright and the Minister of Security of BiH Dragan Mektić visited the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies in BiH, where they met with the Director of the Directorate Mirsad Vilić and his deputy Milo Jurić, on the occasion of the signing of the agreement on operational and strategic cooperation between BiH and EUROPOL.
Vilić presented to the guests the legal jurisdictions of the Directorate and the field of operation, emphasizing international operational police cooperation conducted through the Directorate. He especially pointed out the previous cooperation through the Department for cooperation with EUROPOL, which refers to the daily exchange of information between police agencies in BiH and members of EUROPOL.
Vilić also highlighted that today’s signing of the agreement will enable more efficient cooperation with members of EUROPOL in combating organized crime, terrorism, drug dealing, human trafficking, cyber crime and other forms of crime that are under jurisdiction of EUROPOL. Police agencies in BIH will now be able to exchange operational data, including personal information, with police agencies of the countries members of EUROPOL.
The guests also visited official premises of the Sector for international operational police cooperation, which also includes the Department for cooperation with EUROPOL, in which the protected application for data exchange SIENA is installed, stated the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies of BiH.