The Embassy of the United States (U.S.) informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) about the donation of vaccines for the health system of our country.
As mentioned in the diplomatic note, the donation consists of 500.080 doses of Moderna vaccine through bilateral donation and 168.000 doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine through COVAX mechanism.
Doses of Modern and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are offered instead of the previously mentioned Pfizer vaccines.
These vaccines will be delivered as soon as our authorities sign a disclaimer, which is a request of the manufacturer, not the U.S.government.
The satisfaction that the two countries are participating together in coordinated and multilateral efforts aimed at stopping the pandemic is expressed in this note.
The donation of vaccines from the U.S. has been talked about for almost half a year, and the process of immunization in our country is still in the initial phase. According to official statistics, the percentage of vaccinated people is only 22 percent, and in some large cities, it is even below 15 percent.