Five new cases of coronavirus has been confirmed in Bosnia and Herzegovina on Friday, the Republika Srpska Ministry of Health and Social Welfare stated. The number of patients in BiH infected with coronavirus is now 18, news portal reports.
The number has increased since the last report on the epidemiological situation in Republika Srpska today at 11:45 o’clock. “These are young women, who got coronavirus from close contact with a previously confirmed case, who had close contact with a person who has been confirmed with a new coronavirus in Croatia.
They feel fine, two people are in isolation at the University Clinical Center of Republika Srpska and three people are in home isolation. The doctors of the Hygienic Epidemiological Service of the Banja Luka Health Center will monitor their health, “the RS Ministry of Health and Social Welfare said in a statement.
Four people who have been confirmed with the new virus are in the University Clinical Center of Republika Srpska, while 11 are in home isolation. All patients feel well and none are at risk of life. Currently, there are 571 people coming from the area infected with the virus (SARS-CoV-2) in Republika Srpska. Recent data show that the number of patients in our country has increased by seven today.