Civil Service Agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina had made a report about the evaluation of civil servants in the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period of the first six months of 2012. For the first time, this type of evaluation has been made according to the new book of regulations.
The Civil Service Agency does not know how many servants were evaluated. They explained that the new cycle of evaluation for the period from June to December 2012 has to be done properly and addressed to the Agency so they will have a complete report consisting of objective evaluation of civil servants.
Only 22 institutions have submitted the documentation of the evaluation, and the average grade, according to the submitted documents, for the civil servants is 3, 49 or ”successful”. These 22 institutions in total have 637 employees. 107 employees were not evaluated because of their maternity leave or sickness leave. So the average grade was calculated according to the results of 566 evaluated civil servants.