The House of Representatives of the FB&H approved the government a budget for next year in the amount of 2.357.715.456 BAM. In relation to the governments proposal, the text in the budget differs in three details, or three amendments of the 51 submitted.
The first amendment requires diverting 118.000 BAM for the radio-television of FB&H, the second amendment allocated one million BAM for a revolving fund for women in agriculture in rural development in FB&H, and the third gives half of the money that it has within its discretion in the context of high federal function, and one-half is around 460.000 BAM, and would be diverted as help for the work of the B&H National Museum and Academy of Arts and Sciences and the B&H Cinema.
Today the House of Peoples will have a special session to approve of the budget.
The budget can be operational when the time comes for it if both houses approve of it in the same text.
Prime Minister Nermin Nikšić urged members of parliament earlier to approve the budget by 9 December so that the FB&H could receive the next transfer of money on the basis of a credit arrangement with the International Monetary Fund.
(Source: Fena)