A prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH has issued an indictment against Semir Trebinjac, born in 1991 in Sarajevo, citizen of BiH.
The accused is charged that in June and July 2021 he made a large number of counterfeit banknotes in denominations of BAM 20, 50, 100 and 200 by means of appropriate equipment and deliberately put them into circulation as genuine ones in the area of Sarajevo and Konjic.
The accused placed counterfeit banknotes on the market most often by arranging and paying for various goods of higher value (ranging from BAM 1100 to BAM 3000) he had found advertised on websites and then, in order to acquire property gain for himself, he would come to the agreed place dressed up in clothes resembling police officers’ uniforms and put counterfeit banknotes on the market.
According to the allegations from the indictment, the accused was prevented from further intentions by police officers of the State Investigation and Protection Agency of BiH. During the search of his apartment, other premises and movables used by the accused, items used for committing criminal offences were found, namely equipment and materials used to make counterfeit banknotes, clothes that resemble a police uniform, as well as a certain amount of counterfeit banknotes.
The accused is charged with having committed the continued criminal offence of Counterfeiting of Money under Article 205 (1) of the Criminal Code of BiH as read with Article 54 of the same Code, in conjunction with the criminal offense of False Representation under Article 369 (1) of the Criminal Code of BiH.
The indictment has been forwarded to the Court of BiH for confirmation.