The Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals allocated 508.797 USD for preparation of the appeal for Radovan Karadžić to the first instance verdict for genocide and war crimes against humanity.
Karadžić’s attorney Peter Robinson said that the amount exceeds the one foreseen in the regulations of the Tribunal, which justifies the complexity of the case. Karadžić is charged with four different cases of criminal association.
“There are many bases for appeal. The process we are about to launch is unique because it focuses on legal issues, not on factual conclusions,” explained Karadžić’s legal team in their request for allocation of funds that exceed the usual amount.
Thanks to the allocated money, the defense will hire two more legal advisors, an attorney and a military expert who will express opinion about the bombing of Sarajevo, one of the crimes of which Karadžić is declared guilty in the first instance verdict.
In March this year, Karadžić was declared guilty for genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica in 1995, terrorizing the citizens of Sarajevo, persecution of Bosniaks and Croats across the country, and taking members of UN as hostages. He was acquitted of charges for genocide in seven BiH municipalities during 1992. He was sentenced to 40 years in prison.